Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

When I first found out I was going to have a baby in late October I told myself that I was going to get costumes ready for my kids nice and early. But then I didn't and I told myself that we could take a year off because I just had a baby. But then I started to feel guilty that I was depriving my children some of their childhood memories. Except it would be one of those "memories" they don't really remember because they actually remember it, but they know about because we take pictures. Enough rambling.

Luckily for me (and my kids future scrapbooks) my mom found some cute pumpkin costumes for the kiddos. An added bonus is that Will is fascinated with pumpkins, or munyucks as he calls them (the kid really struggles with the "p" sound), and so he would actually wear it.

He means business.

Will loved pretty much everything about Halloween. The costume. The candy. The attention. Oh the attention. Just what the doctor ordered for a boy struggling to come to terms with sharing his parents attention. Will doesn't care that our friends and neighbors probably found most of the kids cute. All he knows is that when he went up to their door they were really nice and gave him candy. In fact, he was on such a candy/attention high tonight that he even gave Baby Lauren two kisses.

She was looking awfully cute in her pumpkin headband.

I'm also told that our ward's trunk or treat would probably rank quite high on his list of the most awesome nights of his life (so far). I wasn't there (Lauren and I decided to stay in), but the reports were positive. He had as much fun giving out candy and he had receiving it.

Happy Halloween!


Emily said...

I LOVE the family photo at the end! SO CUTE! Everyone has such happy, smiling (Lauren would be smiling if she were awake.)

The Cunninghams said...

Cute costumes! I definitely think you get an A+ for doing something that soon after having a baby.

Alicia said...

Your kids are so cute. I love the matching costumes- you are pretty amazing.

Melissa said...

You have the cutest munyucks around!! Seriously they are such cute kids. I can't believe how much they look alike. So cute! And you and the TJ are lookin pretty good too!!

Susan said...

Cute pumpkins! Will looks like he had a good time.

Michelle C said...

Adorable!! Your family is just precious. Tyler was born on Oct 28th, but we still got costumes too. Even though we stayed home I didn't want to "deprive my children", lol.