Things are progressing slowly, or at least it feels that way. I think that because we came in at 5 in the morning and started right away with the Petocin, Carrie was experiencing major contractions earlier in the day. The early time of day is somehow stored in our memories as being quicker, eben though the hours we waited were probably just as many.
Memaw and Will have visited and gone. They were here for half an hour. Will gave his mom a quizzical look, and he clearly disapproved of her IV tubes. But he did not cry once and he left happily with Memaw. The dude does not know what is about to happen to his little world of unadulterated attention. They brought me a egg-sausage mcmuffin, which has never tasted so delicious. We really did not make any plans for my food. I do not feel particularly hungry, but when I took that first bite, it was amazing. Maybe deap down I am addicted to McDonalds. Currently Carrie informs me that she would be up for eating ANYTHING right now, which makes me feel guilty, but I justify eating it because I will get sick and be unable to help if I do not eat.
For those of you who yearn pictoral proof that we are in the hospital you have come to the wrong blog for now. We had one photo shoot of the hot momma, but she disapproved of my results, which is not surprising since I take terrible pictures.
Daytime television, no matter how many channels you have at your disposal, is awful.
Good luck you guys. I've been thinking about Carrie. I'm glad to know things are going alright so far. We're excited to see what your little girl looks like!
Do you guys have a name in mind yet?
Tony, as a currently recovering McDonald's addict, I completely understand how much your body appreciates the McMuffin--even though you didn't know you were craving it! Maybe you should take pictures of you in the hospital since Carrie doesn't want pics of her at the moment :)
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