Friday, October 21, 2011

Update V

Progress requires pain. Carrie is progressing now. She is in constant pain but is dealing with it like a champ. The baby's doing well. They checked Carrie and she has dilated to an 7+. They just re-upped her epidural.


Carly said...

So happy you are providing these updates. I have read them all aloud to Elise and she is on the edge of her seat, waiting to hear about the arrival of her cousin.

**ourlittlepiecesofheaven** said...

Oh no!! Hope it gets better!! Make sure u keep moving... Even if it's super painful... Remember pain= progress... When it really starts to hurt bad, she is moving.

The Cunninghams said...

Yay Carrie! I'm so excited for you guys. Good luck and I hope all goes well!

Candace said...

Love the updates! Keep them coming! Good luck, Carrie--I'm super excited for you!!

The Reynolds Family said...

Love the epidural!! Hang there ! All the best!!