Friday, October 21, 2011

It begins...

Back by popular demand, I will be giving updates throughout the birthing process of our second child.

This hospital/obgyn does the induction process differently than our team in Springfield. This time they did a cervadil treatment the night before. I will spare you the details, which is not how I normally roll. At least for now...

We were supposed to check into the hospital around 8. The hospital called during the evening to let us know that they were too full and that they would not have a bed open until at least 10. We followed directions and called back at 9:30, and we were delayed again until 10:30. So that is when we checked into the hospital. We left Will in the care of Memaw and Pepaw Crane- Pepaw pulling the night shift at our house with Memaw manning the day shift.

The cervadil application was pretty uncomfotable, but was done by around 11:30. They monitored our little girl for awhile, and she is doing well. Carrie was supposed to feel cramping all night, but she really did not. But neither of us slept particularly well, though she was able to sleep a bit with some Ambien.

Our doctor and nurse came into visit us around 8 this morning. They took our the cervadil, and checked Carrie, who is now dilated to a "2". Our doctor broke Carrie's water and hooked her up to the Petocin pump. So the induction is in full gear now.

Carrie is a little doscouraged as she feesl like things are not progressing as fast as with Will, but it is hard to remember exactly. Maybe I will have to look back at my blog from then and see if I can glean some sort of approximate timeline. Since Carrie's water broke she says that her back hurts significantly more and she is of course leaking fluids. But not much is happening.

Luckily this hospital has LMN- the Lifetime Movie Network. We are watching what BOTH of us consider to be a dumb movie about a girl who puts on a fat suit to high school to see if people treat her differently. According to this movie, everyone is a jerk. It keeps making us laugh.

We will keep ya posted every once in awhile today. Talk to you later.


Jill said...

Ok, so I was feeling disappointed I couldn't be there this time like I was last time. But then when you mentioned the LMN...I am fully sad now.

Sarah said...

Woo hoo! I'm so excited for your new little girl to be here! Keep up the good work Carrie, hopefully the wait is almost over! :)

Laura said...

I wish I was there!! And I am ashamed to say that I, too, have seen that Lifetime Movie about the "fat" girl. So weird.

Emily said...

Unfortunately I haven't had a Lifetime fix in years. I'm so ashamed and I know I'm missing out!! Good luck Carrie! I hope things start progressing soon!