Not only is she here, but she is laying on my lap while I give this finishing touch to my day of blogging.
She is beautiful and healthy. As you can see from the pictures she, like her brother, was born with a nice crop of hair, but hers is even lighter than Wills. She was 8 pounds, 5 ounces. She is a shortie like her mom for now, but who knows if that will last. When she was born she was all sorts of purple, but she is a normal skin shade now.
She is beautiful and healthy. As you can see from the pictures she, like her brother, was born with a nice crop of hair, but hers is even lighter than Wills. She was 8 pounds, 5 ounces. She is a shortie like her mom for now, but who knows if that will last. When she was born she was all sorts of purple, but she is a normal skin shade now.
The love of my life rocked this birth like a champ. Having been through what felt like birthing hell with Will, Carrie mentally and emotionally geared up for the sequel. I have learned for mysel
f, not through any hands-on experience, that complimenting my wife is wonderful, but one should be careful on weighing in on how "easy" or "hard" someone's pregnancy and birth was. But back to Carrie, today's baby was in a different position than Will was, which made her pain different. Her water did not fully break until about an hour before the baby came, though the doctor
thought they broke it this morning. But there was a "frontal sack" (Stephanie you can correct me all you want, it won't hurt my feelings) of water that remained unbenownst to our team of helpers. Carrie started feeling really brutal pain about 4:30, at which point things started progressing very fast. She said that the contractions were more painful this pregnancy, and I believe her. She progressed to a 10 dilation and her doctor arrived around 5:55, and the baby was born at 6:15.
Oh yeah, her name is Lauren (pronounced Loo-ren, but we do not fancy ourselves pronunciation nazis) Jean John.
CONGRATS! Way to go Carrie!! So happy to hear that SHE is here!! :)
Congratulations, Tony and Carrie!
Congratulations from Uncle McKay and Aunt Susie. She is adorable!!!!
Hi There Carrie I am Happy for you. Tell Tony to give you a Hug for Me. I would Love to see you all. Give Thomas William John a Hug For me. I would Love to Have a Family Picture. I thought you Would Like to Have My Address.
Michelle Moburg
1710 W. Erie St. Apt A111
Springfield Mo 65807
Congrats to the greatest parents in the world! And of course to the brand new big brother! Lauren... Beautiful! I told Pat I had complete confidence in you to pick a great name! As for vocabulary... You were very close Tony... It is called a "fore-bag"... That's is so funny... Not that Carrie was hurting, but when I read update V... I said to Pat "I bet she is OP (the position that causes all that back pain... And tell her I completely understand... I delivered 2 of my 3 that way)... And then I told him... "I bet she is hurting so bad because she is starting to move fast"... Sometimes anesthesia has trouble keeping up... Anyway CONGRATS!!
Yay! Congrats! I was hoping she'd come soon after your last post. Lauren is a beautiful name. Great job, Carrie! Sorry you were hurting even with the epidural, but at least things went quickly near the end. Now the true test - does Will approve? :)
Congratulations! I hope your recovery is fast to make up for the labor pain. Beautiful name and beautiful family!
Congrats! Glad you guys are doing well! I kind of like the name you picked too :).
So happy for you guys and we can't wait to meet her.
Congratulations! She is beautiful!
Congrats! You made it. "Lauren" is one of our favorite names. Take CARE and enjoy all the precious moments.
I was gonna say, it's a fore-bag and I have them with ALL my children. Makes it a pain because you think it's time and it's not. Blah. But YAY for an easier delivery and she is BEAUTIFUL!!! Congrats!
How wonderful. I loved reading through all the updates!!!!! Congrats you 3!
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