Friday, October 21, 2011

Update IV

Armed with the correct spelling of pitocin and having watched Keeping Up With the Kardashians for the first time in years, I feel re-energized. KUWTK seemed to take something out of Carrie and she is getting some shut-eye right now. Maybe that or she is actually exhausted and the epidural relieved enough of the pain that it was possible to sleep. I am not sure.

She is feeling much more relaxed. She said that this epidural seems stronger than the one last time. Other good news is that the anesthesiologist performed the epidural with confidence and no re-dos, unlike last time when they had to stick Carrie three different times.

This baby girl is a heart-rate champ. Will's heart-rate, due to his chord around his neck, gave me an ulcer. Hers is rocking the middle of the screen like it aint no thing. Speaking of heart rate and contraction monitors, at the nurses' desk they have giant TVs with every monitor displayed on there. It is like a cross between the NY stock exchange on Wall Street and sports games at a bar.

1 comment:

Gloria said...

Just saw the updates! GO CARRIE! I'm excited to hear all about it!! :)