Friday, October 21, 2011

Update III

Not too much to report. Carrie's petocin machine keeps becoming stopped up and flashing "OCCLUSION" on its screen. After waiting through 5 minutes of beeping I could not take it anymore. I walked the halls until I found a nurse. Apparently Carrie is holding her hand wrong, which is setting the machine off. The beeping noise makes me want to sprint into the wall so that I can stop listening to it, but then I realize I would be leaving Carrie alone to deal with it.

The contractions are increasing, and Carrie is taking them in stride. In the next few minutes, around 3 PM, the nurse is going to come into measure how far along Carrie is. I think at that point her plan is to pressure Carrie into getitng her epidural. Carrie is reticent to get an epidural...and then literally while I typed that she asked the nurse for one. She is dealing with so much pain. She is ready to eat, no thanks to KFC's new cheesy bacon bowl. Apparently marketing geniuses have decided consumers of daytime TV love KFC. We are getting pounded with ads for that fatty, maybe delicious bowl of chicken and potatoes.


**ourlittlepiecesofheaven** said...

Hey Carrie... Make sure that u change position frequently... On the "rotisserie" so to speak! No matter how bad it hurts!! It will help her navigate your pelvis... And for poor Tony's sake... Let him know it is "pitocin" lol!! Not petocin... Hang in there... She will come... And those crazy pumps beep like crazy when they are "occluded"... Do your IV doesn't clot off and have to be restarted... Super annoying I know, but necessary... Cheering for SPRINGFIELD!! Come on baby girl!!

Emily said...

I have never been in labor before, so I don't know how long I'd be able to last with contractions. Something tells me that Carrie has lasted a LOT longer with pain than what I'd be willing to handle :) Keep the updates coming and give Carrie my love and encouragement :)