Wednesday, October 26, 2011

brotherly love

Despite the looks on their faces, Will and Lauren are actually getting along pretty well. I think Will prefers to keep her at more of a distance than they are in in these photos, but he is willing to bring diapers and pacifiers and blankets when we need him to. For Will the pacifier is a treat, so he doesn't quite understand that Lauren doesn't really care for it. He also gives great commentary on how she is doing. "Wawen loud." "Wawen pooh."

He is very proud of the fact that his diapers are huge and Lauren's are very small. Here he is demonstrating how Lauren wears her diaper.

And here he is sharing his new Sesame Street stickers with Lauren. When the shift changed and our new nurse came in to check her vitals right after Will left she laughed and said Lauren must not be our first when she found stickers all over her swaddle.

We have lots more to say and pictures to post, but I am trying to ease into being a mom of 2, so blogging is not my top priority.


Carly said...

Will looks like he is doing great! I love the stickers on Lauren. I wonder if Sadie and Elise would have bonded better at first if Sadie had done the same thing.

Susan said...

Sounds like Will is being a good big brother. I'm looking forward to hearing and seeing more, but I completely understand that blogging takes the backseat to other things. Until then...!

Carrie said...

Exciting to see more pics of your little one! Cami kept her distance for about the first six months so it looks like Will is doing great with Lauren. The beginning with two was definitely the hardest so rest assured you will get used to it or it gets easier, I'm not really sure which :). Can't wait to see Lauren in person (though Josh has a yucky cough right now, so I will give you a call when we are all super-well). Congratulations!!

Tina said...

That first picture of the 2 of them, is now my desk top picture. What a great picture!