In order to meet the needs of the people, this post needed to be written:
Apparently I am not a clear written communicator, especially when I rush my writing. Often times my head is moving too fast and my typing hands cannot keep up. My lack of skill has led to some confusion about the name of our daughter. Her name is Lauren Jean John. My previous post has confused many about the pronunciation of her name, and re-reading the post I guess I can see why. You pronounce the first syllable of her name with a long o sound, like in the word "ore".
The previous post has confused others and led them to think we are pronouncing her name differently, with the first syllable using the vowel sound from the word "loose". This could not be farther from the truth, but it is a mistake due to my own poor writing.
I think most people pronounce Lauren the way you want to but when you specified there was a certain way to pronounce it your description was, simply put, terrible. I think every single person that read your post thought you were trying to tell us it was 'looren'. In fact, its going to take some practice for daniel to not call her looren. He has taken to that pronunciation
I noticed that Looren--and thought it must've been a mistake! Funny.
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