Monday, November 28, 2011

photo dump--november

I am way behind on all the posts I want to blog so here are some recent and somewhat random pictures from the past month along with some of my thoughts.

Leaves. Lots of leaves. It's funny, the trees were so beautiful this summer when we bought the house.

Lauren is a sassy little lady. It is surprisingly difficult to find fancy clothes in newborn size.

Will is really into helping these days and firmly believes that throwing cheese on to whatever food we are having is his job. He gets really disappointed when I don't pull out a bag of shredded cheese at dinnertime.

On our Utah trip (post forthcoming) Lauren got to meet most of her aunts and uncles. Here she is hanging out with (future) Uncle Andrew. And today just happens to be his birthday. Happy Birthday!

At the end of our trip we got to hang out with the Nielsons, Gessells and Salazars for a few hours. Will was a bit of a grump, luckily Sadie was patient with him.

This picture of a picture is from the photobooth at Emily 's wedding reception. It sure was fun to hang out with my mom and sistas.

Just Will, drumming on his drum, wearing the hat he got from his cousin "Deedee."


Holly said...

That photo of Lauren is precious. She definitely looks Sassy!

Laura said...

I love Will in the first picture! And Lauren flipping the camera off-priceless!