Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Lauren Jean

We've been getting to know Miss Lauren Jean for almost 3 weeks, so I figure it's about time to blog about her.

Lauren is pretty awesome. So far she is proving to be an "easier" baby than her big bro. And by that I mostly mean she is less fussy. (Hopefully I didn't jinx things by writing that.) She's generally content. Most of her demands are reasonable, she likes to eat regularly and hates sitting in a messy diaper for too long. She is patient with her big bro when he is a bit too aggressive with her, and she's patient with her mom when she is a bit too slow to meet her needs.

Now don't let me give you the idea that she a quiet pushover. She has a very powerful set of lungs and she knows how to use them. Once she decides she is ready to eat, she is ready. Especially in the middle of the night.

We really love having this little lady in our family. We knew she had officially "arrived" as member of our little crew when we heard Will include her name in his morning ramblings over the baby monitor.


Emily said...

I would love to overhear anything that goes on over the baby monitor. I wonder what Will thinks of his lil sis :) I think she's wonderful, and I'm excited to meet her...TOMORROW!

Susan said...

Super cute pictures. I love the one with you and Will and Lauren. I see a lot of similarities between her and Will. I'm glad things have been going well. Hope you're getting enough rest.

Karen said...

what a beautiful little go along with her good looking big brother!