Sunday, November 27, 2011

little drummer boy

On Thanksgiving morning Will and Anthony got up and watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade (and graciously let me sleep in!). We thought Will would love the floats, but he loved the marching bands best. He kept saying he wanted more music and would start drumming on his drum whenever bands came on. It must be in his genes.

We have this old formula canister that he uses as a drum and he got it out during the parade so he could drum along. He got really into the drumming. My favorite is when he is all hunched over giving it his all. Occasionally he stops to roll up his shirt sleeves. He was very serious about all of it and wasn't excited about me wanting to take his picture.


Meredith said...

that is awesome. sorry tying one handed - shift key is out. you should have parents bring the videos of his dad in a marching band

Susan said...

Love it. Evaline was a big fan of the dancing/singing though some of the content was a little questionable for kids. Did you guys see the cross-dressing Broadway number? Weirdness.

The Cunninghams said...

What a cutie! He looks like an awesome drummer.