Wednesday, November 23, 2011

warming up

Considering they live in the same house, Will and Lauren lead fairly separate lives. She goes back to sleep around the time he wakes up. He gets into mischief and has unreasonable demands when she wakes up and I'm feeding her. Oh wait, the mischief and unreasonable demands happen when she's asleep too.

They respect each other's space, but are content doing their own thing.

However, the past few days Will has shown a serious increase in interest in his baby sis. When he gets up in the morning he likes to check on Lauren in her pack and play. The other morning while I was drying my hair I look over and see this:

Contact not initiated by mom!

And today their interactions really escalated. Will, an avid lover of the pacifier, helps a sister out when she has trouble keeping hers in. Then he takes it, but gives it back again.

Hopefully this is the start of a beautiful friendship/siblinghood.


Laura said...

"Oh NO!" hahah I love it! So cute!

HB Redbird said...

Too stinkin cute!

Emily said...

OH NO! My nephew is cuter than every other little boy in the world!

Gloria said...

This was too cute! McKennan loves his pacifier too! :) it was cute to hear his little voice :)