The nurse came in and Carrie is dilated to an 8+. She was at a 6 for a long while, so this is great news. She has her sitting up a bit, increased petosin she dilated more than she had in awhile. The baby is doing well, and he is being affected by the contractions. The distress has to be monitored, but is still a good sign that he may be coming relatively soon.
So exciting!! I went from a 5 to a 10 in 10 minutes and he was going to pop out. The nurse was getting really nervous when she checked and I was a 5 because of all the distress the baby was going through, but the distress is because he was all of a sudden ready to pop out! Maybe that's what it means for him? He'll be here soon! Glad it's been pretty smooth.
Hey Carrie, this is Becky Gustafson, my mom just sent me a link to your blog (like, just now). What an exciting time! Reading this makes me think of my birth experience. It was so crazy to go to the hospital as two people and leave as three! Good luck and enjoy this time as much as you can--it's not easy, but it's an amazing experience! And tell your mom hi for me.
AHHHHHHHHHHHH! I am so excited! I just checked your blog for the first time today. We love you!
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