Thursday, December 17, 2009

Game Faces On!

Due to modern technology we are able to share a little bit of this very special day for our family. The baby has not come yet and Carrie is resting. We have taken some pictures of the room and Carrie and even a token Anthony picture. These entries today, this and maybe others, will not be as pithy or groundbreaking as usual, but are meant especially for loved ones who are not able to be with us in Springfield.

Carrie's time at the hosptial was 5:00 AM, so we got up today at 4. Neither of us slept particularly well. Childbirth anxiety is like my Nintendo christmas eve anxiety on Clemens-strength steroids, and that was for me, the less involved part of the Team John Baby.
Here is Carrie, bright and beautiful at 4:45 this morning. For those wondering this picture was not digitally enhanced in any way to make her look cuter. That is her in the flesh. Here is the beautiful momma. She is trying to rest now that she is hooked up to all the monitors and petosin. Here is the monitor keeping track of the baby's heartrate and Carrie's contractions. As promised the token picture of the uglier part of the family, dutifully doing my work as the only media member present for the birth of our boy.

We are going to try to have more information, picutres for you later. I make no promises. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers and check here periodically for updates if you are interested.


The Cranes said...

Great pictures - she does look pretty cute (and so do you, Tony) We love you guys - see you soon. Loves!!

Benjamin said...

I'm pleased to see that you worked baseball into this post. Good luck!

Emily said...

I'll be checking this constantly throughout the day!! I love you guys!



Candace said...

I love the internet :) Good luck Carrie and I can't wait to see pictures of the baby!

Carly said...

Carrie does look really ridiculously cute.

I can just imagine you. I bet you are bouncing your knee, picking at every scab possible (sorry, but it's true) and shaking.

Oh, and sorry, I texted you immediately upon reading this. I will probably call you too. I can't stay away!

Laura said...

I wish I could be there!! I love both of you! You look super cute carrie! Let that baby know who's boss!

Gloria said...

good luck carrie!!! you'll do great!!! what a wonderful day for your family!!! i'm sooo excited for you!!!
hang in there and enjoy those ice chips!!

Alicia said...

I am so excited for you guys! I just want to sit here and watch your blog all day to keep informed. But I will try to resist to study and take finals... Love you guys

Michelle C said...

Hooray Tony! I'm so glad you're updating on here! I've sure been thinking about you guys a lot today! You are not ugly, don't be so hard on yourself!! Looks like she's contracting well already! Love that belly! Looks like he may be a big fella!! Hope all continues to go well. You should rest too while you can!!

Were you guys going to have family come help out? I know you're moving soon! We'd just like to coordinate a meal or two to be delivered and didn't know when would be a good time. I guess we can figure that out once he gets here and you know when you're heading home! If you do have a minute or have an idea of when you'd like them, you can e-mail me. Thanks!