There has been lots of talk about how much Will looks like me. I can see some Anthony in him, and he has definitely inherited some "Anthony-like" behaviors. Only time will tell for sure if it is nature or nurture.
They both like to nap.
They both like to open their big mouths wide.
They both like to contort their bodies into strange positions.
I think I remember some Liberty Square dance moves that highly resemble that last picture. Good to see the John rhythm is being passed on to a new generation.
That's right! I remember all the weird positions Anthony could contort his body into. He could get his shoulder blade to protrude in odd ways, and wrap his hand all the way around his head. Maybe Will will add some new contortions to the John family lore.
You guys are hilarious! So funny.
It looks like you guys are doing great! Chris & I think the baby does look quite a bit like Tony too, actually. But he is still a newborn, so it's really hard to tell until about 3 months I think. Cute, cute.
Congrats you guys! I love the name William...and Will is the perfect nickname. I loved your insecure parent moment - I totally had the same thing. That first baby freak out is the worst. Glad to hear you guys got home okay. We need to chat sometime when you aren't totally exhausted, busy and overwhelmed with the move and new baby, etc. Hope you have a Merry Christmas!
Congratulations guys! Kids are fun, especially when they start walking and running. I hope Will is a good sleeper. If you though you loved naps before kids, just wait. I live for naps.
Hey, what ward are you guys in?
Congrats to you both!!! I am glad that he is finally here. He is adorable.
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