Thursday, December 17, 2009

Update #2

Let us keep you updated:

It's been an eventful few hours, everything good, so you do not have to hesitate reading the rest of the post.

First things first, the hospital chaplain came in and met us. She was a nice, Asian woman who reminded us of the upstairs neighbor in the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's. We saw that movie a few months ago and are still unsure why people like it so much.

After the prayer by the chaplain, the efficacy thereof was proven as the doctors came in shortly and gave Carrie her epidural- an answer to prayers. She was feeling like a big wuss for getting the epidural, and it was a bit scary to watch them stick the needles in my wife's spine. Maybe as a person who studied the nervous system it bothered me more. Carrie said that my face made her more nervous than the pain associated with the procedure. My bad. I was trying to look stalwart and stoic, but I clearly failed in keeping my cool totally. The nurse stayed for half an hour and made sure that Carrie's blood pressure was good. Before she left she checked Carrie's progress, and Carrie has dilated from a 2 this morning to a 5. So she had done some serious "work" before the epidural, and should definitely not feel like a wuss.

Soon after the epidural the searing pain of the contractions subsided. Carrie has had consistant contractions every 2-3-4 minutes. They say that the boy is great, and everyone gives us positive feedback about how healthy Carrie is, how healthy our son's heartbeat is, etc. Now she is relaxing. We thought about having her blog, but they don't really want her to sit up.

An OB/GYN just left a few minutes ago after breaking Carrie's water. Because Carrie had progressed so much they decided to break her water. She claims that while she still feels huge, she "can breath again" without the amniotic fluid in there. She keeps breathing deaply and loving it.


Carrie said...

Glad to hear Carrie & the baby are doing well. Chris & I were unable to finish Breakfast at Tiffany's we found it that boring. I can't remember more than a couple of made for TV movies that I can say that about, so I'm with you on that one. Look forward to hearing the good news!

Carly said...

Tell Carrie it will be amazing when she has no more pressure on her ribs. I actually said/exclaimed that between pushes.

Michelle C said...

Oh how wonderful! THings normally take off a little more once the water is broken! So lets hope. I know, the amniotic fluid being gone sure does help. I felt my tummy sink down quite a bit after that. i'm glad they're both healthy and doing great! She is totally not a wuss. Tell her that!! There's no point in feeling pain if you don't have to!! She's awesome!

Tina said...

I have been checking my phone for text messages, and just discovered that you had updated your blog. Wow! Congratulations on everything, and I'm so glad everything is going well. Carrie you are not a wuss! Modern medicine is wonderful and you should take full advantage of it! Hang in there. Lots of love!

Heather H. said...

Can't wait to see photos when the baby comes! Thinking of you!!

Jill said...

I agree with Tina 100%.