Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Baby It's Cold Inside

So.....I'm getting pretty big. Which means I am hot a lot. You would be hot too if you had a huge heater growing on your abdomen. Every once in a while I am reminded that not everyone is going through what I am going through when I look over and see Anthony (wearing a sweatshirt and extra warm Finnish socks on top of his regular clothes) huddled beneath two blankets. Thanks for being such a trooper, TJ, and enduring such chilly temperatures in your own home. You're the best!

And here I am at 39 weeks:

Never mind the moving boxes, baby stuff and plate of spaghetti at my feet. As mentioned in a previous post we are in the middle of a lot of changes and there was not one clean spot to take a picture. I can't believe we're a week or less away from exchanging this huge belly of mine for a real live baby. I will be induced next Thursday if he doesn't come before then.


Tina said...

Does that say that your thermostat is set at 55 degrees?!! Ouch! I was never THAT hot, even when Anthony was born around the same time of year as your little John boy. You look great -- only 1 week to go. Hang in there.

Meredith said...

I can't believe how much you really look like you put a basketball under your shirt. If I put a basketball under my shirt right now people would think it didn't look realistic...but that is how you look.
I can't wait to see your little boy!! I hope he comes out giving everyone high fives.

Laura said...

You're so big! I'm excited for him to come!! Way to be a trooper Tony! I'm cold in our house and we have it set at around 64 degrees.

Carly said...

That's right not everyone is going through what you are going through. Anthony should have some discomfort while you grow his child in your stomach!

I am so happy for you guys. You are almost done! Less than a week!!

Jilleen said...

You look so cute! I will be thinking of you this coming week. Good luck!! Can't wait to see the little guy. (AND good luck with all the moving, etc...)

beks27 said...

Ha ha! That's exactly how we were about this time last year, except I was only about 36 weeks. I'm so excited for you and Tony. You are just gonna love being parents.I can't wait to see pictures of your cute little baby! Good luck with everything!

David's Holla Atchya! Blog said...

This reminds me of Father of the Bride II. Great movie. If you aren't familiar with it, you need to watch it before TJ Jr. hatches.

Michelle C said...

I'm so glad that you mentioned that you have a blog yesterday! Hoping to see lots of baby pictures on here in just a few days! Hooray. You look great! Your belly didn't look that big yesterday. Maybe because you were wearing a t-shirt. I love pregnant bellies. You look great. Hope everything goes great Thursday (or maybe before!). Let me know if you need anything! Epidurals are great (at least in my experience). Can't wait to see pictures of "William" or maybe "Fin"! (:

Original Kos said...

Carrie makes a most beautiful pregnant speciman. Congratulations you guys. Maybe you've already birthed the man child, I am not sure. Best of luck with your crossroads with work, a move, and a new baby.

David's Holla Atchya! Blog said...

Anthony, you have to read this very brief article. It is HILARIOUS.

Shelly said...

You look so cute! Good luck with delivery. We can't wait to see what this little guy will look like.

Melissa said...

I feel your pain...those last days of pregnancy are the worst. I remember being so hot in July and getting swollen and all the rest. Carrie, you look great. I can't wait to see your little man. Good luck tomorrow!