Thursday, December 17, 2009

"This is not a test. This is the real deal,"

said the nurse to Carrie.
We got to go back into her room for a few minutes and see her again as she was "laboring down," which I think just means she is letting the contractions push him down a little bit at a time. We all watched the monitors to see how high the contractions would go as they kept coming about a minute and a half apart.
Carrie called the nurse in because she was having a hard time NOT pushing. The nurse said that her call was perfect timing because the doctor had just finished the c-section he was performing for another patient, so he was ready to come back to her room, and she could start pushing!
Here she goes!!!
Next time I see her I will be an aunt.


Michelle C said...

HOORAY! The time has come!! So exciting!!

Daniel and Carly said...

I have refreshed this page like 35 times since Jill posted this.