Friday, December 18, 2009

His first video

Well, Carrie took a video of him. It made us laugh, so we uploaded it so that everyone can see him. We may be adding a second later, as in tomorrow.


Laura said...

haha. he's mastered his scowl

Tina said...

This is so cute. He is amazingly wide awake for 1 day old (Doug says that's because he's really 3 months old).

Meredith said...

I don't understand dad's joke...he is 3 months old?
I love his cheeks. They are definitely rivaling Sadie's. I can't wait to meet him! And I can't wait to see my niece and nephew interact.
We are so bumped for a nephew! We can't wait to have a little boy running around our family reunions.

Gloria said...

How CUTE is that!! :) Love his scrunched up face, he's absolutely adorable! :)

The Cranes said...

He is practically as big as a three month old. People used to say that about Carrie when she was a newborn.

Michelle C said...

That's so cute! I love his little irritated look. Those lips are great.