Friday, December 18, 2009


Thomas William John

We will be calling him Will for now, but like in every family, names seem to evolve.

I apologize to loved ones out there who were following Will's arrival via our blog. Yesterday you were well fed. Today you have been starved.

Will arrived at 9:11 PM last night after 15+ hours of labor. He got an 8-9 on his APGAR score, the first of many standardized tests that he will dominate. He has no infections, no fever, healthy heart, healthy lungs, and a healthy mom. He was born at 8 lbs and 13 oz. He was 21 inches long. He seems huge to me. He is learning to eat, and Carrie has been a quick learner of how to feed him. I am SO proud and thankful every time I stop to think about how healthy Will and Carrie are and how amazing Carrie was and is.

This post is going to be almost all pictures as there really is not too much more news. For those of you who enjoy pictures, enjoy.


Gloria said...

Congrats!! He is beautiful!!! :) Welcome to parenthood! So happy he is here and everyone is healthy! Enjoy all the sleep and rest you can get while your help is there!

Tina said...

Thanks for taking the time to share. The pictures are beautiful -- he is beautiful (and so are you Carrie!). We can hardly wait to meet Will. I love his name.

Carly said...

You guys win...Will is most definitely a cuter newborn than Sadie. He looks more like Carrie to me, but a little bit of Anthony mixed in there. LOVE the hair color. I thought it was going to be more of a white blonde. And I'll break the trend and be the first to call him handsome.

Laura said...

Sooo cute!!! I can't get over how much he looks like Carrie, but at the same time he has a little Tony in him. I'm glad all of you are doing well!

Benjamin said...

Congratulations, folks. Very excited to hear this news.

Benjamin said...

Congratulations, folks. Very excited to hear this news.

Carly said...

Oh, and this is the best blog post title ever.

Carly said...

Watch out for BIG BERTHA!

Carrie said...

What a little cutie (you guys too, but mostly Will)! Chris said to give the kid with three first names his best. He already has more hair than Cami did for almost a year! Hopefully our little guy will join him in the world soon :).

Eden said...

Congratulations Carrie and Tony! He's beautiful!

anna said...

Congratulations!! He is so cute and Carrie looks beautiful for 15 hours of labor. Good luck in the next little bit. Make sure Anthony (and anyone else you can find) helps out a lot!

We wish we could see him in person. Maybe someday.

And I love, love the name Will. It just doesn't go with Low very well.

The McCluskeys said...

He is SOOOOO STINKIN' ADORABLE!!! We are so happy for you all.

Candace said...

Little Will is so adorable! And I love pictures--especially ones where Carrie is eating pudding :)
And I loved the video in the next post. Congratulations!!