On Tuesday, the John family went to Dr. Grisemer for Will's weigh-in. Carrie and I were a bit concerned that his day of fits and hunger were going to lead to him not weighing enough, but he had only lost half a pound.
Will screamed multiple times, pinching and clawing the doctor, causing him to quip that our son was "a pistol". We also met with a lactation expert who was helpful in showing us how to get Will and Carrie to work together to feed. Will had and still has some self-destructive habits that make it harder to feed him, but with help we have been much more successful.

We hold him briefly like this to wake him up to eat. He looks like the talking dismembered head on the bus in the Harry Potter movies
After visiting the pediatrician we packed or bags, loaded the car, and left for Kansas City. We met Laurence and Jill halfway so that they could drive our car the rest of the way. Carrie and Linda were both concerned that I was too tired to drive the whole way, and I was happy to stop driving, though even in my fatigued state I cold not fall asleep because I was too anxious. I consider this "passenger seat anxiety" further proof that I have become a father. I've come a long way from the post-mission kid without a driver's license to dad who can't relax when he is not driving.
Spending Christmas in Kansas City is always fun for us, but this visit has been very different for obvious reasons. Taking care of Will is a full-time job which makes it very hard for us to participate with everyone like we usually do. Christmas was fun. But Carrie and I have been a bit tired and grumpy. While Will's schedule has improved each day, that does not mean that it is easy to wake up multiple times a night, but...