Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Hurry Up and Wait

We slept through the night alright, Carrie did not get very much uninterrupted sleep, but in her experience it was not an atypical night at the hospital.

I am considering going to eat breakfast, but I feel guilty about it. But Carrie needs me to be energized and fresh. Yeah. It is what Carrie needs. :)

We woke up this morning around 6 hopeful for more progress. Carrie was able to take a normal shower before setting up camp on the bed. Carrie has progressed to a 3 according to her OB who was doing rounds this morning. Dr. Proverbs broke Carrie's water, saying that there is no going back now. Going back was never our plan. Carrie, for the first time in her life, is experiencing contractions before being induced, so she still feels hopeful that things will progress faster than the previous two births.

The nurse is right now hooking her up to the petocin pump to start the induction. They will not start Carrie on the petocin until they have a 30 minute baseline with the baby this morning.

So the general feeling around here is: let's get this show on the road.

1 comment:

Tina said...

Amen! The waiting is hard...but so is the pain. Go, Carrie! Thinking and praying for you today.