August 2 |
Sunday was the last full day Anthony and the kids spent at the cabin in Wisconsin. They posed for a few family pictures while everyone (but me) was there. There's always a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes for large group photos (coordinating outfits, wrangling kids, etc.). This picture make me smile because I love the people in it and also because I can imagine the work that went in to making hit happen. Anthony and the kids left the cabin after dinner and stayed at a hotel in Minneapolis before making the rest of the drive home Monday.
August 3 |
The kids and Anthony arrived home just in time for dinner Monday evening. After we quickly ate some Creamy Chicken and Rice (one of their favorites because I missed them) we met my parents at the pool for an evening swim. After a long day in the car they had some energy to burn! And they loved showing off their swimming skills to Memaw and Pepaw.
August 4 |
The weather turned stormy quickly Tuesday afternoon. Anthony helped the kids build a fort with some couch cushions after dinner, and the fort kept them occupied for the rest of the night.
August 5 |
Thirty-nine weeks! I didn't really think that I would go into labor while Anthony and the kids were gone, but it was a relief to have them back and still be pregnant. At this point I was feeling very large (though not quite as large as I was with Will or Lauren) and easily worn out. It was taking me twice as long to get half as much work done and needing a "power nap" to get me through most afternoons.
August 6 |
While I was at a water aerobics class the kids told TJ that I had told them they could get ice cream (I have no recollection of telling them this). I had the car so they ended up walking to Chick-fil-A. I picked them up on the way home from class.
August 7 |
The closer we get to my due date the more sentimental I become. Not that I am not looking forward to having a new family member, but more a sense that life was going to change for all of us and there would be no going back. Friday was a busy day with doctor's appointments and van shopping. After dinner and one last evening swim we went to Hy-Vee, each picked out an individual ice cream, watched the Royals game, and picked up a few groceries. Because those are things we like to do (swim, ice cream, watch baseball) and that's what you do on your last Friday as a family of four.
August 8 |
Saturday we made our last trip to Bluejacket pool. Schools in the area start this next week which makes it hard to staff all the pools, so the city closes all but 2 of the outdoor pools. One of our favorite things about our neighborhood is the proximity of the pool.
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