Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Elliott Robert John

The dude has arrived! Elliott was born around 11:30, so the optimistic nurse was right. Carrie handled labor magnificently. Everything went quicker and smoother that other births. His cord was wrapped around his neck, and it had to be cut quick.

He is 7 lbs 8 oz and 20 inches long. He seems to have a giant mouth. Like all babies he looked like a gremlin at birth. He seems to look a bit like me, but maybe that will fade as he looks less and less like a gremlin.

But it was love at first sight. So happy that he is here and that he and Carrie are healthy.


Susan said...

Congrats! Welcome to the world, Elliott! Can't wait to see pictures of your little man. Glad it was a better labor/delivery this time around. Hope the same is true of recovery. Very happy for you!

Melanie said...

This makes my heart so happy! Congratulations, John family! Welcome to the world, sweet Elliott!!