Tuesday, August 18, 2015

2015 :: week 33

August 9
Sunday evening we took a walk after dinner and before bed. At this point I was doing all I could to get labor going. Unfortunately for Lauren, she can peddle her trike much faster that my 39 weeks 5 days pregnant self could move and she ended up doing a lot of waiting.
August 10
Monday evening we went to the ice cream social at Will's elementary school. We went to the new family meeting, met his teacher, turned in some forms (never ending forms!) and ate some ice cream. Immediately afterwards we dropped the kids off at my parent's house and headed to the hospital so I could be induced. I had been having irregular contractions throughout the day, and after discussing things with my doctor decided to get induced Monday night/Tuesday morning so I could be home for Will's first day of Kindergarten on Friday.

August 11
I told the nurse I hoped to have this baby by 3pm, since Lauren was born at 6:30pm and Will was born at 9:11pm. I could hardly believe it when the nurse told me I was complete and they were paging Dr. Proverbs just before 11am. Less than fifteen minutes later Elliott Robert was placed on my chest. It was hands down my best labor and delivery experience. We are smitten with the little guy and I find myself struggling to remember what life was like before he was with us.

August 12
Will and Lauren stopped by the hospital to visit several times during our 2 day stay. It was fun watching them interact and get to know their new brother. They were pretty cautious at first, but they both took to him pretty quickly, wanting to hold him and keeping tabs on his wakefulness.

August 13
Thursday afternoon we came home from the hospital, beginning our life as a family of five at home. I'm blaming it on my hormones, but I got weepy several times for no real reason. After we had been home for a few hours and I woke up from a nap, I happened upon this scene. Will and Anthony playing baseball in our front room with Lauren playing in the background and Elliott napping in the rock-n-play. Life was/is the same...but different.

August 14
Friday was Will's first day of Kindergarten. When my alarm went off Friday morning I felt like the living dead. I can't remember the last time I felt so tired. I couldn't believe that I had scheduled Elliott's induction around being home for Will's first day of school and I was barely functioning enough to get him to school on time. I had grand plans of making a big breakfast and having a fun relaxing morning together and that didn't happen. Will still had a great first day, despite the fact that we didn't have the perfect morning I envisioned.

August 15
I know it sounds crazy, but by Saturday afternoon I was feeling like I had seasonal affective disorder. I spent so much time in the sunshine this summer that after four days in a row of being almost exclusively indoors I was feeling a little stir-crazy. The kids needed to get out too. It was a gorgeous night, so we spent a few hours at the pool. Elliott and I lounged in the shade while Anthony and the kids played in the water.

1 comment:

Mitzi said...

Babies are the best! You sound so happy!