Friday, August 28, 2015

ERJ :: birthstory

Anthony blogged real-time updates of Elliott's birth day, but I wanted to record his arrival from my point of view before I forget everything. His arrival has seemed to mark the beginning of the end for my memory.

From the beginning, for the most part, this pregnancy has been my easiest. My morning sickness was the most mild (thank you unisom!). I had the most energy, though I think that was due in large part to exercising until the morning of the day I was induced. And the way I carried Elliott was easier on my back when I was standing. With Will and Lauren I had a lot of pain in my hips and pelvic region when I was standing, but with Elliott I had the most pain (located in my lower back) when I was sitting. As with the others I had a lot of acid reflux and went through a lot of tums anytime I ate anything even mildly acidic, such as red sauces or citrus.

At my last doctor's appointments my doctor said my body was preparing for labor, though there wasn't much change between my 36 week appointment and my 39 week appointment. At my 40 week appointment we talked about the possibility of being induced and settled on an induction date of August 11th. I chose that date because it was the latest day I could be induced and be home in time for Will's first day of Kindergarten (Aug 14th), and still get my full stay in the hospital. I am someone who enjoys staying in the hospital.

The evening of August 10th we went to the elementary school's Ice Cream Social to drop off Will's school supplies and go to the new-families-to-the-school meeting to learn the drop off and pick up procedures. And to eat ice cream. We were there for less than an hour. We walked home, loaded into the car and dropped the kids of at my parent's house. The kids were very excited to have a sleepover with Memaw and Pepaw and totally not affected when we left. I was feeling a little sentimental, but not nearly as emotional as I did when we left for the hospital before Lauren was born. I came to realize after Lauren was born that adding additional children to your family multiplies your ability to love instead of taking away from the children you already have.

We checked into the hospital and had I made no new progress since my last appointment. I was a little bummed because I had been feeling contractions off and on all day, a first for me. They hooked me up to the monitors and waited for the cervadil. Once the cervadil was inserted I had to lay down for 2 hours. A little before midnight the nurse surprised us and asked us if we were hungry. She said I could eat once before midnight and brought both Anthony and I a meal packet containing a sandwich, bag of chips and cookie. An unexpected and welcome surprise.

I was given a sleeping pill to help with sleep. I slept pretty well, all things considered. At 6:40 I woke up and took a shower before the real fun began. My doctor stopped in just after 7am and broke my water. The contractions continued but came much faster with greater intensity. Within the hour the Pitocin began to drip and I felt like I was really in labor.

As the contraction increased so did the pain. Specifically the pain in my back. Throughout the latter half of this pregnancy I felt like I was carrying this baby differently than Will and Lauren and was very concerned the baby was breech. But at my last few appointments my doctor reassured me that the baby was head down. Once I was in labor it seemed like the baby was in posterior position (face up). With each contraction the pain was getting harder and harder to bear because both my abdomen and back were in a lot of pain. I told the nurse I wanted to get on my hands and knees, thinking I go into hands and knees position on the bed. The nurse told me she could move my adjust my bed and the bed turned into a chair with my kneeling on the bottom and leaning over like I was saying my prayers at the side of a bed. It was amazing! It still hurt, but I was able to work through each contraction much better. I labored like this for about an hour I think, though I was very focused on myself and getting through each contraction. My nurse gave me directions to turn my body in various ways between contractions to help the baby move in to an anterior position if possible.

Eventually the pain started to really get to me. I felt like a baby because it was still so early in the day, but I wanted to get an epidural. The anesthesiologist came quickly and administered the best epidural I've ever received. The pain stopped, but I could still feel the pressure of the contractions. The nurse checked me and said I was at an 8. I could hardly believe it! I was really relieved and so grateful that she had adjusted the bed for me so I could labor on my knees. I feel like being able to labor in that position really speed things along because gravity and the weight of the baby were working with me.

After the nurse checked me she said it was time to call the doctor. I was a little surprised because it was still so early. Will was born at 9:11pm, and Lauren at 6:30pm, so I was hoping to have this baby in the 3pm hour. The nurse told us she thought he'd be here before noon. I was skeptical, but totally okay with that timeline. In the meantime, though the pain was gone, the pressure had increased and I was feeling ready to push. The next part happened so fast I'm not sure I remember the timeline correctly. My nurse put me on oxygen because the baby's heart rate went down. Presumably because the cord was around his neck.  Unlike with Will, I only had to wear the oxygen for less than 5 minutes. By the time Dr. Proverbs arrived I was complete and the pushing commenced. After I pushed once they had me stop as they clamped the umbilical cord and unwrapped it from around the baby's neck. I pushed once more and he was out. Because he came so fast they had to clean out his throat and lungs.

After they did that we could hear tiny baby cries and they laid Elliott on my chest. I was so relieved to be done that it took me a few seconds to process that he was kind of purpley in color. Within a few minutes his color was much better. He rooted right away and nursed a little bit. After holding him for awhile the nurses took him and really cleaned him off.

My parents brought the kids to meet him about an hour after he was born.

Both Will and Lauren were excited to meet their little brother. Lauren was a bit hesitant at first, but warmed up quickly and soon became a great helper.

Getting to know Memaw and Pepaw

Our stay at the hospital was fantastic. I had great nurses in the postpartum unit and was able to get a bit of rest before heading home. Anthony stayed with Elliott and I one night. The kids came up to visit twice a day while we there.


My mom and the kids brought me some delicious mini bundt cakes which were a nice supplement to the hospital food. Thanks again, Mom!

Thursday afternoon we left for home. I was a little apprehensive and emotional about leaving the seclusion of the hospital and entering "real life" again. I only cried a few times that afternoon and only laid awake for about an hour that night worrying that something would happen while I was asleep.

Elliott is leaving the building

And now some miscellaneous hospital pictures:

And here are Elliott's stats for good measure:

We have felt a great outpouring of love in the past few weeks since Elliott was born. Many thanks to everyone who has shown us love! Having a new baby is always an adjustment, but the love and support we have felt from family and friends the past few weeks has really buoyed us up and made this transition the smoothest yet.


Tina said...

So smart to document this while you are still remembering it clearly. So glad that this labor was a little easier. And so happy to be there and get to share a few days with that little guy! Such a cutie!

Susan said...

Sounds like a great birth all around. He looks so much like you all. Glad this was a good pregnancy for you!