August 23 |
Sunday afternoon Nana and the kids made chocolate chip cookies together. It was one of the activities the kids were looking forward to doing most while she was here. Shortly after the cookies were made Anthony left on his first business trip since Elliott was born. Thank goodness Nana was here to help, because I wasn't quite ready to face life with 3 kids on my own.
August 24 |
Elliott at the playground. Nana and I took the kids to the playground to burn some energy in the afternoon. I have a feeling that his life as a third child will involve lots of tagging along.
August 25 |
Will is one of 12 kids at his elementary school who is in half day kindergarten. One of the other moms has organized a few activities for the "half day kids." Tuesday afternoon we met up with the other families at South Lake Park for lunch. Will and some of the other boys had fun throwing rocks in the lake. I've been enjoying getting to know the other moms and kids Will goes to school with.
August 26 |
Wednesday was Nana's last full day with us. We went to Joe's KC for dinner and then spent time enjoying the beautiful weather in our front yard. Lauren rode her tricycle and Will and Anthony played catch. Nana helped make the transition from 2 to 3 kids go smoothly. Instead of the older kids feeling slighted that Anthony and I were spending so much time with Elliott, they got spoiled with attention from Nana.
August 27 |
We've started giving Elliott baths in the evening, before his last pre-bedtime feeding. He wasn't a huge fan at first, but came around and seemed to be enjoying himself by the time we took him out. It is fun having a few rituals that Anthony and I do with just Elliott. He's a pretty content baby and goes along with whatever we having going on quite well.
August 28 |
Wednesday was our 9th anniversary. Friday night my parents watched our kids and we grabbed a quick bite to eat at Sheridan's Unforked. I was in the mood for their strawberry banana chunk concrete and as usual, Anthony deferred to my preference. It's hard to imagine life without Anthony, I'm grateful that we found each other.
August 29 |
It was a bit cooler this week and we spent more time playing out front than we have in quite awhile. We've had fun getting to know our neighbors better too. When we first moved in to our house four years ago we were the only family on our block with kids not yet old enough to go to school. Since then six babies have been born. In the past year two of our closest neighbors had baby boys--one of which was born a week before Elliott. It's fun having neighbors our kids can play with.
Wes and I had a blast looking through your blog today. He can't wait to go to the "Kansas City Zoo", and "Kansas City church" and "Kansas City bounce place." Apparently he has plans for our upcoming visit. I love the pictures of Elliott. I am glad the transition is going well. Weston asked where your other new baby was...I guess it doesn't make sense that babies could come one at a time.
Happy anniversary! You guys look great!
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