July 26 |
I wasn't very excited about the kids and Anthony leaving Monday so I wanted to have a fun afternoon with them. We went on a walk and made a batch of chocolate chip cookies that they could take on the drive to Wisconsin with them.
July 27 |
Anthony and the kids left Monday morning for a week in Wisconsin with the John family. Anthony's family has been planning this family reunion since last summer and unfortunately I am too pregnant to travel this week. My heart broke a bit as they pulled out of the driveway. I have never been apart from either of the kids for a full week before and my pregnancy hormones were getting the best of me. They called me in Des Moines where they got lunch and then again when they got to Minneapolis (where they stayed that night) and by then I was feeling better.
July 28 |
Since I've spent more time at the pool this summer than I have in years I figured I should take at least one awesome 38-weeks-pregnant-pool-bathroom-mirror-selfie. It was weird going to the pool without the kids.
July 29 |
Will and Papa John playing baseball in Wisconsin. I'm going to try to get Anthony to do a post about the family reunion because although he and the kids told me lots of stories about what they did, a first hand account is the best way to tell a story.
July 30 |
Melanie and Leah came to town the day after Tony and the kids left. I joined them at the pool Thursday evening after a water aerobics class and we had a fun night. Leah is a little water baby and it was fun watching her laugh and splash around in the water.
July 31 |
Will playing on the playground with his cousins--Sadie and Elise.
August 1 |
It was my turn to teach Relief Society on Sunday so I spent time Saturday night literally cutting and pasting my lesson together. I probably wouldn't have to resort to this if we had a good word processor, but I'm too cheap to buy Microsoft Office for my computer and have to rely on free programs to put my stuff together.
You are adorable.
We really missed you! Glad you had a relaxing week. See you soon!
You look great! You're so close!
Looking forward to hearing the baby news. Hope everything going well!
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