Saturday, August 31, 2013

2013 :: week 35

Sunday we had to say goodbye to Jill. Lauren was excited to give her a hug. Anthony sometimes says that our kids have the Crane Goodbye Gene, where we have to hug and say goodbye multiple times.

Monday was our anniversary, and as far as anniversaries go it was kind of meh. We both were feeling sick and Anthony had to leave for DC. This isn't the best picture that has ever been taken of us, but considering how we felt, it's actually not bad. Melanie and Andrew were gracious enough to watch the kids for us so we could grab a quick bite to eat before TJ flew out (thanks!).

Going on day 6 of The Headache/Cold of the Summer that would never end. Yes, it is capitalized as this headache and cold really rocked me this week. Will helped me convalesce with lots of snuggles during our afternoon quiet time.

Will is on a Robin Hood kick right now. This is notable because it is the first feature film that has held his attention the whole way through. Of course he is especially into the fight sequences, and has brandishes his broom, AKA sword at me more often than I would like.

Check out that tiny braid! Lauren's hair has a host of issues right now as it grows out--bangs that are constantly in her face, uneven lengths, strange side hair, etc.  It's fun to be able to do a little something with it.

Thanks to Target summer clearance, we are the proud owners of a bubble wand.

After the kids went to bed we enjoyed a fun evening of folding laundry and watching The Bible miniseries.


Mitzi said...

I love the mini braid! Sorry you felt crummy, especially since It was your anniversary and then Tony was gone. I hope you're better now!

Laura said...

Aw i love the little braid! Love the pictures, as usual!