Last Sunday was our Stake Conference. TJ sang in the men's chorus and had to be there an hour early, so we didn't drive together. As usual, getting the kids out of the house involved some stress (why does it take my 3.5 year old longer to put his shoes on than his 1.5 year old sister?) so they were looking forward to seeing the nice parent, Dad, when we got to church. They were especially excited that there were 3 dad's--one in the choir seats and 2 projected on screens.
One of the things I was most looking forward to with Will in preschool was some one-on-one time with Lauren. So far Lauren and I have enjoyed taking several morning walks together. She is such a slow eater that I started bringing part of her breakfast along with us.
Will in his happy place--pushing his own cart, loaded with mac and cheese, eating a Hy-Vee cookie.
Two of my sisters came to town this week. Wednesday evening we took advantage of the recent heat wave and hit up the pool. Lauren and Will love having extra adults around to adore them.
Thursday evening the boys got their hair cut at the Great Clips that opened up down the road. Half way through his cut Anthony observed that he looked like Sam from Clarissa Explains it All.
For a variety of reasons I had a pretty bad headache all week. Jill saved me and came over Friday afternoon and watched the kids so I could take a nap. Then we walked to the park with TJ and played with the kids for a bit. Despite the heat it was a gorgeous afternoon.
Will got to attend his first Primary Activity Day Saturday morning. The Marble Man was there and taught the kids how to play a variety of games. The older kids had a tournament and the younger kids played "picking plums." Will really enjoyed himself, and actually got pretty good at shooting a marble.
mmm now I want some Kix like Lauren. & we also went to Great Clips. I usually cut the boys' hair, but we could NOT pass up $5 cuts...especially when I'm pregnant & get tired half way through a cut. That's just awkward looking...
We watched the opening credits to Clarissa Explains it all just the other day - and I could sing along to the whole song. It was weird because even now I can't recall the song, it is just buried for when I hear it again.
Is it just me or is Lauren looking more and more like Will?
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