Sunday, August 18, 2013

2013 :: week 33


Sunday evening we took a walk to our neighborhood park. For some reason Will decided to take his shoes off and Lauren decided to fill them with the wood chips. Lauren really has a thing for shoes.  She likes to wear Will's shoes around the house, and is often leaving us little mementos.

Monday we went to Crown Center and enjoyed ourselves at the Sealife Aquarium. Will earned the trip after 30 days of successful patch-wearing.  I was so impressed by how Will behaved. He didn't put up a fuss when it was time to leave and thanked me several times for taking him. He is really growing up.

Have I mentioned before that I love our neighborhood library? The branch closest to our house has great children's librarians who put on quite a presentation each week. The kids love going. I thought it might be less crowded due to it being the first week of school, but the numbers didn't seem to have thinned much.

I didn't take any pictures Wednesday, but I did take a screen shot of the alarm on my phone. With Will starting school we are having to get up and going a little earlier than we are used to. Even though it is a bit of a stretch for me, I am excited about the added structure in our lives.

Lauren loves stickers. We have a large sticker book and her favorite page is the zoo animals. Periodically throughout the day she will demand an, "AN-MAL! AN-MAL!" She seems to have a great deal of satisfaction with studying the page and selecting just the right one.

One of the activities Will and I rotate through during Lauren's nap is Candyland. Will told me that the boy with the yellow hair and glasses is him, the Lollypop Fairy is Lauren, the dark haired girl is me, and the King is Dad.

I forgot to take a picture Saturday, so I am substituting this one from Sunday. Our dishwasher broke, and I spent close to an hour doing dishes Saturday afternoon (TJ did a lot of dishes earlier in the week). We didn't have a dishwasher for most of the first 4 years of our marriage, and we survived and many people don't have them now. I know I sound spoiled, but it has made this week really rough.


The Cunninghams said...

I get the dishes thing. It may be a first world problem, but it's hard to add something to your schedule that you're not used to. I hope it gets fixed soon!

Emily said...

I love how much Lauren is into shoes! I laughed when I saw she had stuffed Will's shoes with wood chips. I hope he didn't get any splinters? :)

Susan said...

The sealife aquarium looks fun!

Meredith said...

We have a dishwasher in our new apartment after 9 months without and it is life changing! I feel your pain.
We went to the Natural History museum in NYC last weekend (long story) and Steven and I both thought - Will would love this place. Wes had to be confined to the stroller much like Lauren, and it was rough.