Wednesday, August 21, 2013

feeling 22 (months that is)

Because Lauren routinely feels happy, free, confused, and lonely in the best way (and because many of our recent posts have been Will-centric) I wanted to record some memories of Lauren on the cusp of her 3rd year. In the words of Taylor Swift, it's miserable and magical at the same time. Oh yeah.

First off, it is really hard for me to believe that Lauren is the same age now that Will was when she was born. He seemed so grown up, and she's still my baby. And yet, when I look back at things I recorded about him then, their behaviors and abilities are very comparable.

She's been cutting her two year molars and I teeth for what seems to be all summer. As such she has developed an affinity for her pacifier. She chews on it all the time. Until this summer she only ever got it in bed. I've gone soft and let her have it other times too occasionally.

Speaking of teeth, brushing teeth is one of her favorite activities. Mentioning that it is time to brush teeth is a good way to soften the blow of bedtime.

Still loves to climb (and check herself out in the mirror).

She is quite confidant. At the pool she would just walk away from me to wherever she felt like going.

She's a go-getter. She feels confidant that she can handle anything Will is doing.

At Deanna Rose she didn't want to ride in the wagon, she wanted to pull it. The entire trip improved when she got over that.

She doesn't like to be told no. The way she reacts depends on who has wronged her. She reacts the worst when I scold her, but anytime she is told no she narrows her eyes at the offender and can maintain a stink eye for several minutes. I'm a little concerned for the day when she has more words to put behind her feelings.

In short:

Lauren loves...
...reading Caillou books
...fake laughing
...going to the pool
...singing I Love to See the Temple
dinner (she doesn't eat much at breakfast or lunch, but at dinner she puts it away)
...her doggie, blanket and pacifer
...dumping out toys
...taking her shoes off and switching them to the wrong feet

Lauren dislikes...
...brushing her hair
...the word "no"
...sippy cups
...hugging when it wasn't her idea
...Will getting something she didn't get

It's hard to sum up Lauren in words. But she is pretty wonderful and I'm glad she's my girl.


Susan said...

I feel the same way with Clara. She always seems more like a baby than Evaline but in some ways she's more advanced. Lauren will be 2 before you know it!

Emily said...

Oh Lojo. My favorite niece ;) And props to you for being so clever with the T-Swift lyrics.

Holly said...

I was thinking about that the other day. I think it's having a new baby that makes your older baby seem so grown up. All my other kids had younger siblings well before Bennett's age, but he still seems like a baby to me.

The Cunninghams said...

She always looks so determined to me, I think she is planning on doing some pretty great things.:) I can't believe how big she is!

Laura said...

She's a cutie!