Thursday, August 15, 2013


Will started school today. He has really been looking forward to this day, so even though it is only mid-August, we're glad it is finally here.

Because of his December birthday, he still has 2 years before he's old enough for kindergarten. I debated whether or not to do preschool this year, but I think we made the right choice. This year he is a peer model for an Early Childhood Special Education class offered by our school district. There are 8 kids in his class, which meets 4 times a week for 2.25 hours.

 a bit nervous as we walk into school

 made it through the first day

His first day was great! He came home excited to tell us about the art project they made (flowers), toys he played with (Legos) and delicious snacks (birthday cake grapes, whatever that means).

Will's biggest concern when he left was who was going to play with Lauren. Though she was initially a bit disoriented by his absence, she quickly recovered and used our alone time to her advantage as she brought me book after book after book to read.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Hope he enjoys preschool!