Wednesday, September 4, 2013

dog days of summer

After school started just 2 city pools remained opened, and only in the evening. A small heat wave at the end of August encouraged us to squeeze in a few more visits. For the most part the evenings were a bit prosaic.

 This one consumed a lot of sand.

 One last "sand angel" for good measure. 

The pool was pretty dirty coming down the homestretch. 
June lifeguards >September lifeguards (but I prefer the September for the most part).

 Aunt Laura keeping us company. These kids love their aunt and are going to miss her!

On Labor Day we decided to get one last use out of our passes and headed to the pool after dinner. We ran into 4 families from our ward and had a great time chatting and letting the kids enjoy the sand. Maybe it was the nostalgic Y2K radio station the pool was blasting, but I didn't want the night to end. Summer nights are my favorite.


Mitzi said...

I love that last picture! Very cute!

Laura said...

The picture with those three buried in the sand is awesome! haha I loved getting to go to the pool with you guys so much this summer!

Susan said...

You guys sure make good use of your pool passes! I hope the last days of summer are magical ones.