Saturday, September 21, 2013

2013 :: week 37

Sunday afternoon we attended a baptism for a sister in our ward. While we were waiting for Tony to finish up some business, the kids enjoyed exploring some of the classrooms.

Will had a follow up appointment with his ophthalmologist. His favorite part of the appointment was watching TV (we did a lot of waiting). In one of the waiting areas they have a "boat" with a TV in it. Later he watched "a show with a mouse, mean dogs and a silly cat," (his words when describing it to Anthony) after his initial exam while we waited for the doctor. Can you guess what cartoon we watched? Tom and Jerry. Will thought it was hilarious. I enjoyed watching it the first time, but it kept looping, so by the third go round I was pretty tired of it.

Wednesday afternoon we found ourselves without any plans, so we made a last minute decision to head to Deanna Rose. We left the house at 3:55, which would only give us about 45 minutes to see the animals, but it turned out the be the perfect amount of time. Even though it is hot later in the day, the farm is much less crowded and I feel more comfortable letting the kids roam a bit because it is easier to keep track of them. At the end of the day they have the "running of the goats," and all the baby goats you can bottle feed run from that pen to another. Will and Lauren love watching those pygmy goats run.

Wednesday evening we went to the park for an hour before bedtime. We usually go to the park by our house so it was fun for the kids to have a less familiar playground to explore. Lauren and I played a game of peek-a-boo while she was on the bouncy bridge.

When Anthony is out of town I find myself turning the TV on more in the evening that I should. I guess I like the background noise. However, I found myself really enjoying the show Celebrity Game Night. I like to think I would be a pretty descent contestant. It was fun to root for Jason Sudeikis Thursday night because the charity he was playing for was Children's Mercy Hosiptal in KC.

Friday the 13th proved to be a great day for us. Gorgeous weather, Dad back home, and a new niece. That's right, our sweet niece Adelaide was born Friday afternoon. She's beautiful, and we look forward to meeting her in a few months. Congratulations, Alicia and Bryce!

Saturday morning we were out and about running errands. We stopped in on the Sprint Family Fun Day on our way home. The KC Zoo had a booth with a variety of animal pelts, teeth, droppings, etc. Our tactile children really enjoyed getting to touch the animals.

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