Monday, January 28, 2013

elder john


On Wednesday Anthony's only brother, Matt enters the MTC.  He is headed to Boise, Idaho, to serve a mission for the LDS church. We're really excited for him! We've blogged about him before, but there are a few more things about Matt that are worth mentioning.

He is a great uncle. Last winter Matt visited us in the OP and spent hours playing with Will and holding Lauren. Really that means he sat with Will and built towers for him to knock over and read tons of books with him. He held Lauren while we painted in the evening. She would get fussy and he would pace around to relax her. When we visited Boston for Christmas 2010 he would let Will maul him because it made Will laugh. I've seen him be a great uncle to his other nephew and nieces too.

He knows his food. I never eat an EL Fudge cookie, Ma Magoos chicken cutlets with honey mustard sandwich, or chocolate shake without thinking of Matt.

He's dedicated to his teams, specifically the Celtics and Patriots, and he is willing to share the love. When Anthony and I went to a Celtics game in 2008 he loaned me his Paul Pierce jersey so I could fit in. He's created several youtube videos defending the Patriots.

He's got a great sense of humor. Not every guy could write a message like, "Bros before Hos, what more can I say?" on his brother's Christmas present and get away with it. :)

It's hard to imagine the John family without Matt. He goes with the flow and is always up to play a game or watch a movie. He's a great storyteller. He's been making me laugh since I first met him in 2005. We are really going to miss Matt while he's gone the next two years.

Best wishes to you in Idaho, Elder John!

1 comment:

The Cunninghams said...

Good luck to him! Sounds like a great guy!