Thursday, January 10, 2013

google maps puts a strain on our marriage and other random thoughts

The other night we were out making some deliveries. I was the navigator with my phone serving as our map. My failure to decipher the map was leading us astray. 
No right!
No that right over there!
Loud sighs.
Me rolling my eyes. Duh.
Silence as we finally arrive at our destination.
I apologize for getting so mad and make a stupid comment about how google maps brings us closer to a divorce than anything else.
TJ looks at me like I'm crazy and says, "What are you talking about? I'm not even mad."
I guess I have issues. Also, the map feature on the LDS Tools App is not very reliable. Also, I found myself getting annoyed with how slow Anthony was driving again tonight, and finally, when I couldn't handle it anymore, said something. To which he replied, "You want me to drive faster through a crowded parking lot in the rain?" So, the moral of the story is I guess I shouldn't just be guessing I have issues. Am I the only one that gets more road rage when I am in the passenger seat than when I am driving? My kids might hate me when I am teaching them how to drive.

The smell of Abercrombie makes me feel like I'm 16 again. Whenever I go to the mall and am in the vicinity of A&F, the smell wafting from the store takes me back to 1999. I'm young and awkward again. I'm at a stake dance wondering why I decided to come and why only 14 year old boys are asking me to dance. I'm sitting in my first hour class behind a guy who bathes in cologne each morning. Part of me condems him for not getting up early enough to shower, but another part is glad he chose a decent smelling substitute. Does anyone else have smells that take them back in time?

Is it possible to keep playdoh from getting mixed up? Will got some new playdoh for Christmas and we've been playing with it quite a bit this week. Every color is mixed. It really isn't that big of a deal, but why do all the photos on playdoh accessory boxes show the colors touching, but not mixed? It makes me feel like I am doing something wrong. Maybe that is their point, and they want to guilt me into buying more playdoh.


Jilleen said...

Oh my! I think I'm the same way... although my husband does get a bit mad and rightly so. I can be a pain. And playdoh should all just start out as a gross greenish brown color because that's what it ends up being anyway. ;)

Emily said...

Haha! Love this post. Matt and I struggle with directions sometimes as well and arrive places in silence.

Also, I love the smell of Abercrombie! It makes me feel creepy for liking it because my guess is that boys b/t 13-18 wear yeah.

As for the Playdoh..I bet they tell the kids in the commercial to not actually play with it because then the colors will mix.

Those are my thoughts to your thoughts ;)

Carrie said...

The first part of this post does not surprise me in the least - it is like you and me in high school all over again - it didn't make me mad either.

We got the Playdoh Supermarket for Christmas and I have actually been playing with it a lot too. The tools are way cooler than our old ones, or maybe I just think that because I like food, so hence, fake food. I have been a stickler about color mixing because I feel like that leads to it getting thrown away, but it is only possible with close monitoring, thus not really making it an activity that occupies them, so much as one that occupies you - still fun, and Cami has appreciated "Cash Register Mommy", at least for the time being :).