Sunday, January 13, 2013

2013 :: week 2

We affectionately called this day "Sunbeam Sunday." Will entered our church's junior Sunday School and now goes to class and sharing time instead of nursery. He was pretty excited about things heading into the day, but I had my reservations. He's pretty shy and has a history of separation anxiety. I am pleased to report he didn't even want me to stay in the room (I was asked to help with the class). Only time will tell if his excitement will last. We're only one week down.

Allow me to introduce to you Teddy, Monkey, and Froggy. These are Will's "friends" that hang out on his bed. Lately he has been saying that they are waking him up and he has been moving them throughout the house. Monday they each had their own stair upon which to rest. Will apparently belongs to the school of "no one can cause harm to my friend but me" because he routinely mistreats these animals, but if Lauren or I so much as look a them the wrong way or ever accidentally sit on one we are harshly condemned.

I don't know what it was about Tuesday, but the kids were driving me nuts. When Anthony was done with work we got out of the house and took the kids for a walk. Will peddled a bit, but not fast enough to keep up with us, so he ended up getting pushed most of the way.

I apologize for the poor quality of this photo, but the subject would not stay still for long. We have a few albino squirrels in our neighborhood and I have been wanting to get a picture of one for awhile. Will doesn't realize that they are unique because we see them around here fairly often, but I had never seen one before we moved into this house. A neighbor told us that there have been albino squirrels in the neighborhood every year since they moved in over 20 years ago. I wonder how the genetics of that works out?


I couldn't decide which picture to pick for Thursday so I am giving you two. We went to Target Thursday night to pick up a few items. I'm not really sure what sequence of events led to Lauren getting to stand up in the back of the cart, but she did and I think she felt like the queen of the world. She reminded me of Leo and Kate on Titanic. The second picture is of her lunging towards the Baby Alive doll on the toy aisle. Our kids seem to comply with typical gender stereotypes quite naturally. We've never given her a doll before, but this is not the first doll she has expressed interest in. I don't know if Will has ever looked twice at a doll.

Friday we had unseasonably warm weather and we had to take advantage. Lauren and I went for a walk and then met up with TJ and Will at the park. The kids LOVED swinging and Will even went down the slide on his own and without encouragement. He has not done that before. We all had so much fun at playing outside at the park. It tricked me into thinking we'd be doing more of that soon.  I was so disappointed when I woke up Saturday morning and it was freezing.


We've decided to get serious about getting Will potty trained. We've had some success previously, but nothing long term. We've spent a lot of time with Will sitting on the potty this weekend. Thank goodness for the portable commode. I was getting so tired of sitting on the bathroom floor waiting for him to take care of business.


Emily said...

Hahahaha I LOOOOVE that last picture! Will's just sittin' on his throne, watchin' some cartoons--like a boss.

I bet Lojo did feel on top of the world Titanic style at Target. Who wouldn't?

The Cunninghams said...

I've never seen an albino squirrel before either. How crazy!

Jill said...

You realize now he's not going to be able to go to the bathroom IN the bathroom unless you put a TV in there.

Laura said...

Hahaha so great. I loved the pictures of LoJo and Will on his toilet is hilarious.