Monday, January 21, 2013

2013 :: week 3

Lauren is a funny girl. Sometimes she's friendly. Sometimes she's shy. This is her new "not sure what to make of things so I'm going to pretend you can't see me because I can't see you" stance. She usually does it when we go somewhere new or new people are added to the mix. It doesn't even have to be people she doesn't know. Just additional people she hasn't seen for awhile. In the case of this picture it was my parents.

Lauren loves animals and books. Her current favorite book is Moo, Baa, Fa La La by Sandra Boyton.

Tuesday night I worked on a project for Lauren's room. I have been so slow to finish decorating her room, but made some progress this week.

The kids struggled this week. I don't know if it was the fact that Lauren cut two molars or if it's been too long since we got much vitamin d, but the kids were on one. I came back from a jog and Tony had put up a gate to keep Will upstairs and Lauren down.

Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday are our bath days.The kids are really starting to play well with each other and this extends to the bath. Will is pretty bossy with the toys, but luckily we've accumulated enough that even with his hoarding there are still a few left over for Lauren to play with too.

This is what happens when your kids are naughty and taking care of their mischief distracts you from what you were doing and ends up causing you more work in the long run than if you had just left them and their shenanigans alone. Not pictured: sauce splattered all over the floor.

Saturday morning we went to Wonderscope. Will had an absolutely fabulous time. Lauren did pretty well too, until it got close to lunchtime, us John women like to eat regularly. An unintentional learning moment was afforded to us on this trip shortly after Will and Anthony finished playing with these pipes in the water room. There are a few turtles and Will got to see a turtle eat a small fish. He's been talking about it ever since.


Emily said...

I can't decide which is my favorite: Lojo's "stance" or the pictures of the kids being gated upstairs/downstairs. Too funny :)

The Cunninghams said...

I love January 16th's photo. Great idea! Also, I think I may be copying your weekly picture post idea soon. It's too hard to keep things straight these days.

The Cunninghams said...
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Susan said...

Can't wait to see pictures of Lauren's finished room. And that Moo, Baa, La La La is still a favorite of Clara's. It took me a long time to correct her idea that pigs say "la la la" though.

Nikki said...

Gotta love the play museums! Yeah, sometimes it's more work to clean up the food mess than let them have a tiff.