Lauren got this new bike for Christmas. The only problem is, her legs don't quiiiite reach. Lucky for her Will really enjoys pushing her around. TJ and I have really enjoyed watching the two of them have fun together, especially because they are working together. They are still figuring out how how to get Lauren off. Will isn't quite strong enough to lift her and as I mentioned before, her legs are a little short.
2012 decided to go out in style, and say goodbye with some snow. Anthony helped Will build snowmen. Here Will is standing between the mommy and baby, which they named "Snowjo" after Lojo.
Will couldn't get enough of the snow, so Anthony took him out again Wednesday. They spent quite a long time outside throwing snowballs at each other. I think that is pretty much the only thing they did. Make and throw snowballs.
I decided to start the year off my making a complete mess of Lauren's closet and room by sorting through our kid clothes. Her room couldn't contain my piles, so now our upstairs hallway is filled with tubs and (organized) piles of clothes. It is quite a process, sorting, washing and then folding the clothes and (as usual) is taking me longer than anticipated. We are very blessed to have lots of clothes for our kids, but I need to get organized so it doesn't go to waste.
Thanks to my efforts in organizing the kid's clothes, I was able to figure out what stuff were in need of for the coming year and was able to snag some sweet deals at Old Navy. Anthony and I disagree about children's clothing. I think our kids are cute so they should wear cute clothes to showcase their cuteness. He thinks their cuteness should speak for itself and we have too many clothes and spend too much on them. I feel justified in buying them clothes when I can get good deals.
Friday morning my friend Stephanie invited us to meet her and another friend at a local indoor gym. I was grateful for the invitation because we have been fairly reclusive since Christmas. Bailey was a champ and pushed all the little kids around on this toy firetruck. Lauren loved it. Will had a hard time with the fact that there was no "Jim" at the gym. He kept crying, saying it was too loud and that he wanted to see Jim. We don't even know anyone named Jim. His relentless pouting is just more evidence that he needs more sleep than he is getting.
Saturday afternoon Anthony introduced Will to the deliciousness that is graham crackers and milk. This probably won't be the last Saturday the boys spend watching football and dunking grahams.
Cute kids! Cameron and I have the same arguments about kids clothes.:)
I noticed that you didn't do a weekly picture post for the last week of December. I, for one, feel absolutely cheated.
I second what Holly said. I feel cheated!! I love the Snowjo and pics of the kiddos. And I love that Will wanted to see "JIM" at the gym.
bahaha. Jim!
hahaha oh Will. Too funny. They are so cute! Love these posts!
Love the snowjo and all those clearance tags! I love bargain shopping, especially at Old Navy :)
Ditto what Holly said. You aren't allowed to move on to 2013 until you finish 2012. :)
Love that picture of Will with the snowmen. Cuteness.
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