Monday, February 23, 2009

Birthday Shout Out--Part 4

This post is a few weeks late, but we wanted to give a big MISSOURI birthday shout out to Matt!

Some of my favorite memories of Matt include:
  • Playing nertz with the Johns the first time I met them and Matt saying "D'oh" every time someone beat him to a spot. I couldn't help but laugh even though I had a really sore throat.
  • Being peppered with various "Office" trivia questions and Matt knowing the answers better than Wikipedia.
  • Getting schooled in Ninetendo while in Mexico and having him feel sorry for me and my lack of skills (but still killing me anyways).

  • Watching random youtube videos in Belmont, i.e.the Greatest Tragedy in Sports or the one making fun of the magician guy (I can't remember the name).
  • His personal NBA preseason rankings.
Matt--we hope your birthday was great! Happy Sweet 16!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Carrie,I am so sad I missed you online today. I must have gone to get Cecilia and forgot I was still signed in to gmail. I am so sad we didn't get to chat. I would love to chat sometime. I hope you are doing well!