Again, this comes a day late, and for that I am sorry. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD! For those of you who have never met Thomas Douglas John I will describe him for you. He loves eating graham crackers and milk and watching sports on television. He enjoys very much winning athletic contests, especially if he feels he won with guile and not with his overwhelming athletic talents. His jump shot has little to no arch.

He does a lot of behind the scenes stuff for our family that does not get recognition, but he does it because he loves serving his wife and kids. He loves buying Christmas presents. He sunburns easily and painfully. He makes killer frappes (a very thick milkshake). He has surprised multiple friends of mine with how hard he will throw them a baseball because their dads did not treat them as equals. On a similar note, I always felt that Dad treated me more equally than other kids' dads, which meant that he smoked me in Scrabble for juniors, basketball, even Yahtzee! (which should be a game of chance). His tendency to treat kids as equals is what makes him very good with teenagers. He is very funny.

As a child he liked the Pittsburgh Pirates. I have very fond memories of him and me at New York baseball games. I have even fonder memories of Fenway Park (coming back and beating the Royals in the late innings, staying up past midnight to see us beat the hated A's, being escorted to my seat by security on Mormon Night). He taught me math calculating Dwight Evans' batting average and Oil Can Boyds' earned run average. My dad and I share our helmet-like hair. We both made fabulous decisions on whom to marry.

My dad has vivid dreams and talks in his sleep. His laugh sometimes starts with a quick weaze and goes into quick yelps of ah ah ah ah. That's how you know something is really funny. He was the QB of his high school football team, and at the same time he has perfect pitch. He is a modern Rennaisance man. Happy Birthday Dad!
I loved this post. You captured your father very well.I love those old pictures of him when his hair was still brown. What a great way to celebrate the "John high holidays" than by having all these "shout outs." Thanks for making my week.
I love Mom and Dad's outfits in the first picture!
Things about your dad reminded me of you. one thing in particular was the graham crackers! now we know where you get it
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