Tuesday, February 24, 2009

a birthday ode to a DOBO

(Director Of Basketball Operations)
Since all of my other entries were late I thought that I would write Daniel's on time. The punctuality of my blog post is my birthday gift. Relish this Daniel. You clearly are special.Daniel is a great guy. From the moment I met Daniel in my first post-mission, mangy apartment, I knew we could be friends. He is a good basketball player, and at the same time he can play with our family and not be totally bored or ruin the game, or he at least does a good job of pretending. When we talk about basketball and I give opinions he does not ever make me feel like I should be quiet because he knows much more about this than I do. He is very smart and quick with witty repartee. He can hit a softball out of a little league field. He makes fun of all of my sisters, Carly the most, but all of them as well. But he makes Carly very happy. I knew that when they were dating, engaged, and when they got married. I knew and still know that he makes Carly happy.
Daniel is always up for a good time, which may entail lighting fireworks, getting slushies at 3 in the morning at the 7-11 on University, fantasy sports, scaring my sisters by yelling at them in a convincing Mexican accent while they were taking a late-night walk on the streets of Mexico, playing homerun derby, spraying Martinelli's on other people to celebrate historic World Series victory, and visiting John grandparents.
On top of being athletic and sharp, I know Daniel to be a spiritual and sensitive man. During their courtship I saw how much he loved Carly and how he treated her, and their relationship set an example for me, their older brother, when I met Carrie.

While you may be the "butt" of the John High Holidays, I salute you Daniel. You have a big nose, and you have made it so far.


Tina said...

Not only is Daniel an amazing guy, not only does he make Carly happy, not only is he about to become the father to one tremendous kid, but he is able to get a word in edgewise when all the John family is gathered and talking...in fact, he is usually able to get SEVERAL words in! Happy birthday, Daniel! Wish we were there to celebrate it in person.

Carly said...

Thanks for the blout out (blog shout out) to my husband. He needs pick-me-ups like that since I am constantly beating him down at home. He got a whole lot of nothing from me for his birthday.

Melissa said...

Daniel seems like a really great guy! Happy B-day from us! I just thought you might need an important reminder: it's been over a month since you updated your blog and I am really needing some new pics! Possibly of Carrie and Ton-dawg and their model bodies in swimsuits, professional wear, casual wear, you know. Just no GapBody or Victoria's Secret (I know you 2 model for those companies as well.) We need to chat again soon! It was so great talking to you.