The non-surgical face lift takes 10 years off your face, although more than my one session is required to reap full benefits. The sauna helps you sweat away impurities, though I mostly enjoyed its warmth. I had no idea using a sauna actually burned calories. I will now be more supportive of Anthony's desire for a Finnish sauna in our future home. The footbath helped rid my body of toxins and balance acidity.
Here is a picture of me BEFORE:

And here is me AFTER:

What do you think? Do I look younger? I would like to note that they didn't do anything for my hair (which badly needs to be cut) or make-up, so you are just judging whether or not I look younger/rejuvenated/happier/more healthy.
I want to give a big shout out to Tony for thinking of me and winning me such an exciting afternoon of indulgence. **Sidenote: I couldn't believe the regular prices. It would have cost me more than I make in a week (I work part-time) to do all these things if I was paying out of pocket.
**A cry for help: Do you tip when you have a gift certificate? Do you tip at a spa? How much? Tony and I couldn't agree about it and I am curious as to what other people do or think about it? (Not just at a spa either, like at a salon, or after a massage? Or even when you go out to eat?)
You look like a lass of 15.
Also, love the pic of you and Anthony holding hands in Mexico.
Also, I thought maybe you were just writing +r@n$f0rm4+10n like that because you are cool.
I think you should give those pictures to the spa to use in ads as a tip. They are great. Too bad I think the reason you look so much better is mainly due to your radiant smile.
Umm...I have never given a tip when I have gone for my discount massages at the massage school. I think when you are a student/young family you can get away with that. I think when you are rolling in it a few years from now, there is no excuse.
The main thing is listen to your heart.
Hey Carrie,
It's Jaime! I have actually been hoping that I would find you in the blogging world someday and here you are!! Yay! I hope you will add me to your blogging list and I will add you too!! I love you and miss you. May I just say that you look GORgEOUs!
love j-dog!
Love the before and after pics. You really were transformed from one to the next. hahaha i love it
i love the "i need to so much help i am so depressed" look in the before picture. just like every other before and after!
Carrie, if I didn't know better, I would think you were the youngest sister!! I could use one of those spa treatments right about now! About the tip thing, I always tip at a salon or resteraunt, but I have never tipped when I got the massage school massages. I don't know if you are supposed to or not. What were yours and Tony's sides of the argument?
Carrie you are hilarious! I think the non-surgical face lift really brings out your eyes :)
how fun!!! you look fabulous!! I don't usually tip at schools-massage or spa. But, when I go to a salon I always tip...and depending on how good it was usually will depend on how much of a tip I give them. It's all up to you :)
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