Thursday, August 30, 2012

a post about will

It's been awhile since I've dedicated a post to all things Will. This is a mistake, because he's been doing some pretty funny things lately.

 Will sporting his froggy boots.

He drinks milk like he's part of some sort of gallon challenge. He's barely swallowed the last drop of one cup before he's asking for more. I am now trying to make him drink cups of water in between. You can see his cup in this picture. He wasn't shy about asking any and all of his aunts and uncles for more milk when we were on vacation.


He is very confidant. He frequently tells me he is handsome, he is a hard worker, and he is the best boy. I hope he will always listen to the things I tell him. He's a parrot right now. He frequently tells me to "keep my eyes open," "be soft with Lojo," and that "we don't throw (insert pretty much any noun here)."

He loves temples. We sing "I Love to See the Temple" every day. He was very excited to see Papa and Nana's temple when we were in Boston. Because of his temple flash cards he knows the name of several North American temples.

He likes his sister. This doesn't mean he's without reservations regarding her new-found crawling abilities. But they've been having a lot of fun together lately and it makes me excited for the years to come. My favorite noise has to be the two of them laughing together.

Whenever he doesn't like what is going on his go-to phrase is, "That's not right!" It's a very multi-purpose response. It can be used when I want him to do something he doesn't want to do, or when Lauren is playing with a toy he wants, or when I've prepared a meal he doesn't care to eat.

Will doesn't take naps anymore, despite the fact that he could use one most days. Instead he passes out between 6 and 7:30 most evenings. Our evenings are weird now, but at least we aren't fighting him at bedtime.


He's a bright, funny, chatty kid. I'm glad he's mine.


Emily said...

I love Will!

Jill said...

Has he sorted out Dallas/Chicago and Provo/Ogden yet in his flashcards? I tricked him with those last time.

Laura said...

Oh will. What a cutie!