Saturday, August 18, 2012

lauren :: nine months

Several weeks ago my friend Lauren agreed to take a few pictures of my baby Lauren and I planned to post them as part of the nine month post. Because she was admitted to the hospital the day after her nine month appointment, I never got around to doing that, so here they are, better late than never. 

Nine month stats:

Weight July 26: 14 lbs. 6 ounces. (0-3%)
Weight Aug 2: 14 lbs. 8 ounces
Height: 26 inches (3 %)

This past month Lauren has done some serious teething, but only one of her top teeth cut through. She also started babbling a lot more. Her main mode of moving around is rolling with a bit of rocking back and forth. Stranger anxiety is now a regular part of our lives. She is very smiley, but only as long as she knows that mom and/or dad are in close proximity. She is sleeping very well, only waking up once in the early morning (between 5-6am) to eat most days.

Thank you Lauren, for kindly agreeing to take these pictures for me.


Tina said...

These are so cute, and they capture the smileyness of beautiful little Lauren. thanks for sharing!

The Cunninghams said...

Very cute!

Gloria said...

She is SO cute!!! Love that smile with those little teeth! :)

Susan said...

Sometimes I look at her and think I'm looking at Will. But with gorgeous eyelashes. Happy 9, Lauren! I hope 10 is a lot less eventful for you!