Because we drove back to Boston Sunday morning, Sunday evening we needed to get out of the house. We walked over to the elementary school the John children all attended and Will, Sadie and Elise played on the swings and climbed on the playground. When we got back to Papa and Nana's house Will and Sadie weren't ready to go back inside, so they stalled by playing on the sidewalk out front.
Monday morning Papa got out his trumpet and played a bit for the grandkids. Sadie got pretty good at buzzing her lips and making a sound come out.
Tuesday evening we played outside for a bit. Anthony pitched a large ball to Will, who alternated between cheering for himself, the Red Sox and the Royals with each at bat (he didn't make contact every time). A random high school friend of Alicia's drove by and saw a group of people on the front lawn, so she stopped by to say hello. Weston and Lauren sat with Papa and watched Will's batting practice too.
After dinner Wednesday night we walked to Moozy's, an ice cream store in Belmont. Lauren got to try some of my lemon sorbet and she was a fan. I felt bad because on the way to get ice cream we passed a park that had a live band playing. Will wanted to stop, but I thought we should get ice cream first and then come back and listen. By the time we got back to the park the band members were packing up their instruments. Parenting fail.
Thursday morning we drove to the temple and walked around the grounds with our kids and the Gessels. Alicia and Bryce were so patient with us as we took over their attic apartment the four extra days we stayed in Boston after the family reunion. They also made some several delicious meals. It was a big disappointment when we got home and I had to cook again.
We got back to KC just in time to say goodbye to Aunt Melanie. Melanie has been staying with our parents for the past month while Andrew was in the south doing basic training. She was a big help watching Will while we were in the hospital with Lauren, but I didn't get to spend as much time with her as I had hoped.
I figured out that we could stream movies and tv through my amazon prime account so we decided to bite the bullet and start watching Downton Abbey since every person I know seems to watch and love it.
Good choice regarding Downton Abbey. I bet you'll love it!
Downton is great. The first episode is rough to get through, but after that it's so good!
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