Wednesday, August 29, 2012

weekly picture post

Lauren is so spiritual she plays with Book of Mormon action figures on Sunday. It seems she prefers the stripling warrior to Nephi.


These two kids have been making me laugh lately. When we drive and Lauren gets fussy Will usually tells her to stop crying. Sometimes he speaks more kindly than others. In this picture, he is pretty friendly about it, but he is often moved to frustrated tears when his whiney "Stop crying, Lojo," pleas fall on deaf ears.

 Will is a lover of flashcards. Some days I tolerate this love more than others.

I put off reading the book club book until the day before/day of book club. Luckily for me, these two played pretty well together while I did some serious reading Wednesday and Thursday.

On Thursday Lauren had to get an MRI. The doctors wanted to check her pituitary gland to make sure there were no abnormal growths and that it was growing properly, and things appear normal. Lauren was sleepy and cuddly all afternoon as the drugs wore off. I love it when my kids are cuddly.

Friday evening Will helped me make brownies for a baptism we were going to attend Saturday. I turned my back for a few seconds and Will helped himself to some batter. By far my favorite part of this picture is Lauren smiling in the background.

Saturday I didn't feel very well, and forgot to take a picture. Luckily for our photo-streak, Will got ahold of the camera and took this beauty. It is actually part of a series of pictures of our carpet and Will's current favorite toy, legos.


Carrie said...

That is so funny that Will loves flashcards - Cami did too at that age. I remember having to sort through piles of flash cards to match up the sets if she got into them without me - too much fun...

Susan said...

Evaline loves her flash cards, too. Thank goodness for the Target dollar section.