Tuesday, August 7, 2012

weekly picture post

Sunday morning we were still in the hospital, and when Lauren woke up she was looking more like her normal self. When she got up we played a bit on my sweet hospital accommodations (egg shell mattress pad on the floor). I felt so happy and grateful all day.

Monday was our last day in the hospital (yay!). The entire hospital ordeal was by far the hardest for Will. He spent much of the time we were waiting for Lauren's discharge papers watching movies on my laptop perched in one of the hospital wagons.

Tuesday night we went to the Royal's game. It was fun to get out and do something as a family after our weekend spent totally indoors. It was a very hot evening, so we enjoyed checking out the fountains before the game began.

Per doctor's orders, we are to feed Lauren as much meat as possible. Anthony has had no problem with making this change.

We had to take Lauren in for a weight check Thursday morning. She gained...2 ounces! It still is a little crazy to me that a child of mine can have problems gaining weight.

Friday we flew to Boston to spend some time with the extended John family. Will was very excited about the prospect of getting on a jumbo jet, but once we were on he wasn't so excited. The noise of the plane was a little too much for him. Thank goodness for portable electronics. And, as is he usual routine these days, he fell asleep as we began our initial decent into Boston.

On Saturday morning I woke up in a panic because Will was not next to our bed. I started searching  the John's house until Doug informed me that Will was in their bed. Apparently he had woken up in the night and climbed down the stairs. Tina found him whimpering looking for me. When she brought him up to us, we were so tired we didn't wake up so she asked Will if he wanted to sleep in their bed, and he did.

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